Thursday, December 4, 2008

Fame: The Blog.

Often, one will ask, what is fame? It has taken on many different entities over the years; be it incarnate in the infamy of such figures as Tsar Nicholas II and Adolf Hitler, the most loved figures of George Washington, Jesus, and Gandhi, or in places such as Hawaii, China, or Africa. However, what about when fame is taken too far? There is fame, and there is the weight that comes with it.

In this day in age, when so much exposure is available to the developed world at the click of a button, fame has become a rather stomach-turning satire of itself. Whereas fame used to mean that you would be loved, revered for talent, and seen as a role model, now it means so much less. Some might blame this on the younger set; after all, in this day, the age at which boys and girls become men and women grows ever younger, and with it comes the lack of judgment that tends to come with physical maturity absent of the mental.

Thus, it is seen today that people considered "famous" are, basically, imprisoned in their own lives, sometimes with hardly a way out. Because so many people are also becoming less and less intelligent as time goes on, we see a clear disregard for the most basic of all rights: PERSONAL. BOUNDARIES. Everyday, I hear another sickening story; everyday I have to see another tabloid raving about how he did this and she said that. Frankly, I'm sick of the way the most talented of these people are being abused. Is it appropriate to grab somebody you don't even know on the street? What about making up absolutely false stories to get back at them? Blaming them for your actions?

Would you do that to your best friend? Your brother? Your cousin?

Face it, people: that's what these "famous figures" are. They're just people! They eat, sleep, love, and have the same feelings as everybody else, though like the artisans of old have decided to devote their lives to a talent. So let me ask this: would you want to wake up one morning to people on YOUR lawn?

(I wrote this for a friend of mine)


In other news, I recently discovered that I am indeed capable of driving. Huzzah.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Warning: Turbulence.

Jesus, I'm tired. Been talking to people, figuring some things out about myself. I haven't updated in forever, but there shall be no more neglect of the blog.

How's life for all of you out there? Course, only people I know will comment probably, but that doesn't matter.

Ah; sweet, sweet... vegetarian.


P.S. I apparently have become obsessed with being older? Fake ID!<--(no)

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Do I have a sudden urge to once again listen to tapes on my walkman? Hot damn, I wish I knew where it was! This is the third blog entry I've made today; too bad nobody reads my stuff but Jay :(

Saturday, April 19, 2008

THIS MAN... amazing.

Just felt like saying that.


Oh, and if you don't know who that is, LOOK IT UP BECAUSE YOU HAVE NOT LIVED.

So, Today....

I like lists. Here's a list of what I did today:

-Got up
-Made waffles
-Thought about how much fun it'll be when Jay and I get an apartment and the four of us (her, me, Adam, Davey) can make vegan breakfast in the morning.
-Wished that Adam knew I existed =(
-Ate waffles
-Got onto the computer to check some things
-Got yelled at by friend to come over
-Took shower and went to friend's house
-Went to UCD Picnic Day
-Met a band called 'Ambulance'. They're REALLY amazing, and the three guys (Glenn, Kyle, Mike) are all really sociable and nice. Check em out at
-Went to Dimple for Record Store Day and got a bunch of free CDs/Vinyl :D
-Went home and read for hours
-Went to bridal shower
-Came home and got on blogspot

So, sorry for that boring list, everyone! I don't know why, but lists are soooo much easier for me than typing out something with a lot of words and full sentences in it... in the end I end up using the word 'I' too much as in normal speech I end up with a lot of 'ums' because, for whatever reason, I can't explain something or tell a story through the internet without it being fragmented or sounding very VERY boring. Sorry for that, I'll make lists of songs for my blog now.

Oh, there was car-dancing to girls and boys, toilet paper brides, and bracelet games at the shower. Yey.


P.S. I notice that some of my favorite songs by bands are covers... oh dear.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


So, I suddenly feel like blogging. Here I feel as though I can say anything without judgement (I hope.) and perhaps I can actually get something off my chest.


More Later.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

15 Things I wanna do...

...when I'm 15.

1. Learn to drive
2. Take Jay to see AFI
3. Visit my cousin
4. Do well in high school
5. Start doing more regarding Winter Lantern
6. Write something new and exciting
7. Go to the city...again.
8. See people I like (?)
9. Kiss a girl
10. Find a new backpack
11. Discover a new band
12. Get my passport
13. Learn to cook better
14. Find a paying job
15. Pass health class

Gimme suggestions for top 10's...